Getting rid of Google Doodle


We all love Google Doodles don't we? But why is Google changing it's Logo (doodle) so frequently?

I am spending my time playing Basketball and Hurdles instead of  using Google for Search. So I decided to get rid of this distraction once and for all.

Update : This tutorial does not work as Google has disabled the adding of backgrounds. 

How to remove Google Doodle or Google Logo?
Steps to remain Google Doodle or Google
1. Visit and  sign into your Google account
2. Upload a simple white background image to your Google Picasa Web album. You can download the white image from this link: Download White background Image
3. Notice the small link Change Background Image link at the bottom left corner of Google Homepage

4. Select the white background image you uploaded to your Google Picasa Album.

You can always add any image you want instead of the boring white image.
This will work only when you sign in to your Google account.


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